Brussels Exhibition - Article The Lithuania Tribune

April 17, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

One of the great pleasures of an exhibition is that it allows interacting with the viewing public. Few other circumstances allow getting direct feedback; most contacts on social media have already provided some.  A print on a wall provides a very different dimension and feel.  I am always impressed that people often have a clear idea where they are going to display a particular photo (or probable artwork in general), but even more so when they have a place and scene in mind.

I was grateful to hear a variety of opinions from viewers and buyers.  A keen observer called the exhibition 'charming', providing a bit of a dream world.  I never thought to be in the escapism business, but maybe I have to review that.  The same observer also gave good feedback on using sizes that are more varied in future exhibitions.  Referring as to how IKEA influences home decoration ideas a lot, the man suggested either very large, or smallish.  I have suspected for a while that I am in the wall decoration business.

Perhaps some of the photos with characters deserve a more intimate look, perhaps some different treatment altogether.  Other more detailed landscapes may need indeed require more and larger displays.

Preferences can change as one observer gave me over a period of about five years three different photos what she thought as being probably the best photograph I ever made.  It is nice to see taste vary over time.

More interesting was a visitor trying to convince me that one of my photographs was, in reality, a painting.  Painterly would have been nice, but painting is not something that I am good at.  Somehow I felt that I lost the argument.  In reality, I am extremely grateful that a few clever people found a new way to register images about 170 years ago.  It allowed translating some of my views of the world into photographs.

The exhibition in Brussels can be seen here.

At the time of the Brussels Exhibition in Gallery 74, the Lithuania Tribune published an article. In an exchange with Justinas Suliokas, I expressed a few general statements about the photography on display.  Justinas knew already a fair bit.  He had co-authored a little book that served a bit like a catalogue for the exhibition. Only with a few more photos.  This is the link to the article.


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